
Friends to the Enz

Saturday, 12 October, 2019

Andrew Mclennan

Join Boylee with kiwi music icon Andrew Mclennan (Pop Mechanix, Swingers and Coconut Rough) as they weave their way down the nostalgic road of forgotten heroes, showcasing Hits and Myths of the late 70s and mid eighties golden age of kiwi rock and telling stories of days gone past

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Deco Retro

A combination of modern and organic motifs, Art Deco design continues to be captivating and collectable. Deco is the passion of the presenters of this programme that explores the local and global Deco scene, preservation and heritage, the buildings, jewellery and furnishings with interviews, music, notice of coming events; a sharing of the knowledge of Club Moderne, the Art Deco Society of Auckland.

Sports Weekender

There are a couple of things you should know about Eamon. The first is that his mates know him better as "Piggy", and the second is that he's mad about sports. From local legends in grassroots to national level names, the Sports Weekender features interviews, updates and 'the week that was'. Tune in for your weekly sports fix.

Senior Focus

Senior Focus is the voice of Auckland's senior community. In recognition of the diversity of seniors, the hosts bring senior leaders and experts to the show to explore a wide range of topics. If you’re over 50, tune to Senior Focus for comprehensive information on the policies and events that impact on seniors’ wellbeing.

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