Make Radio

Planet FM helps you make your own media.  Radio, on-air or on the internet, is a simple and inexpensive way to talk to your community-of-interest in any language.

Planet FM in Auckland, Aotearoa

We broadcast across the Auckland region 24/7 from the Skytower. You can broadcast live or make pre-recorded programmes in our well-appointed studios on New North Road, just 7kms from the CBD. 

Planet FM on the World-Wide Web

We’re streaming live globally right now and programmes are available on-demand five minutes after broadcast. You can listen online or download programmes which are on-demand for the past five editions.  To access the extensive libraries of Archived podcasts – search Podcast Archives

Some programme makers prefer to reach targeted audiences by broadcasting only on the web. Plan a series, an audio blog, a performance or a meeting to share world-wide. Planetaudio provides production services and uploads.

Membership & Programme Fees

Membership (Annual) Groups Individuals $120.00 $40.00
104.6 Airtime inc. podcasts 1 hour ½ hour $60.00 $30.00 podcasts Recording/Editing/Hosting $60.00-$120 Per Hour (Neg)
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Prices exclude GST

Programme Application

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Programme Information

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