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Hamro Chautari

Each week Haamro Chautari offers the chance for the Nepalese community to gather round and share their culture, news of the local community as well as the latest from Nepal. The hosts also present a selection of new music and golden hits. Interviews and updates on community events in Auckland keep the connection with the Nepalese way of life.



    A former president of New Zealand Nepalese Association, Bijaya has been involved with Hamro Chautari from its beginning. With a Master's degree in Business Administration, he has a long airline industry background and currently works for an airline in Auckland. He likes to be involved in community activities in his leisure time and loves to play soccer and table tennis. Married to Samita, Bijaya has two daughters.

  • PRODUCER/ PRESENTER: Shreedhar Basnyat

    Shreedhar Basnyat previously served as president of the NZ Nepalese Association and was an initiator of the Hamro Chautari programme. It’s important to Shree that communities interact and communicate and after two decades in aviation is now involved in community work. A fan of Nepali music, Shree is also keen on soccer, badminton and table tennis.

Hamro Chautari

Friday, 14 March, 2025

Events here and in Nepal

The show is a weekly get-together of the Nepalese community with updates on local and international events concerning Nepalese, as well as nostalgic and new music.



    A former president of New Zealand Nepalese Association, Bijaya has been involved with Hamro Chautari from its beginning. With a Master's degree in Business Administration, he has a long airline industry background and currently works for an airline in Auckland. He likes to be involved in community activities in his leisure time and loves to play soccer and table tennis. Married to Samita, Bijaya has two daughters.

  • PRODUCER/ PRESENTER: Shreedhar Basnyat

    Shreedhar Basnyat previously served as president of the NZ Nepalese Association and was an initiator of the Hamro Chautari programme. It’s important to Shree that communities interact and communicate and after two decades in aviation is now involved in community work. A fan of Nepali music, Shree is also keen on soccer, badminton and table tennis.

Previous podcasts

  • FRIDAY 7/03/2025

  • FRIDAY 28/02/2025

  • FRIDAY 21/02/2025

  • FRIDAY 14/02/2025

  • Events here and in Nepal

    • FRIDAY 7/02/2025
    • Community magazine

    The show is a weekly get-together of the Nepalese community with updates on local and international events concerning Nepalese, as well as nostalgic and new music.

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