Green Planet
Gerry Coates - Engineers for Social Responsibility
Green Topics
Jeanette Fitzsimmons M.P.- State of the Planet
Joe Polischer - Permaculture
John Hogan - Conservation volunteers
Lansing Barrett-Gresham - healer and teacher
Lloyd Geering - the Greening of Spirituality
Pre-conception care and conscious parenting
Margaret Crozier - Greenpeace NZ
Malcolm Rands - sustainable business
Murray Cameron - sustainable cities
Philip Mirkin - earth housing
Rod Oram - climate change
Sue Kedgley - safe food
Theresa Grantham - green trader
Tony Watkins - Architecture of Involvement
Udo Erasmus - dietary oils
Vanessa Atkinson - Energy revolution
Transition Towns
John Stansfield - Sustainable Systems
Nicky Hager - journalist and author