
Green Planet

Tuesday, 23 December, 2008

Kath Dewar - Greenwashing & Marketing Sustainability

When is green marketing, green wash? With over a third of New Zealanders taking social and environmental ethics into account when they shop, the businesses competing for their spending money are waking up to their needs. Kath speaks about the challenges and opportunities for businesses wanting to promote their social and environmental credentials - and the legal protection New Zealanders have against Greenwash. Also, examples of companies getting it right. First broadcast Nov 2009

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We're Amazing, They're Amazing, She's Amazing. WTS Amazing shines a spotlight on fabulous people doing fabulous things. Join Tanya and guests for a live show that celebrates remarkable women, trans, intersex and gender diverse people in Tāmaki Makaurau and beyond, with a rainbow sprinkling of local music.

Women's Voices

This half hour series features interviews and discussions on matters of interest to women in general and migrant women in particular.  Women working in the community talk to women with shared experiences, to people who can help, to female achievers. Heartfelt and empowering discussions about crucial topics in women's lives networking women’s issues, women’s arts and talents.

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