How is it that it only needs the Prime Minister and the Minister for Conservation to say yes to mining? No one else and no Act of Parliament is required! The gold is only a tiny proportion of the material extracted, less than 10 parts in one million. The gold is extracted using cyanide, so safe storage of the mine waste poses a serious problem. Listen to a clear and coherent 50 minute insight into the issues and learn some simple methods of how to take action. First broadcast Feb 2010
Senior Focus is the voice of Auckland's senior community. In recognition of the diversity of seniors, the hosts bring senior leaders and experts to the show to explore a wide range of topics. If you’re over 50, tune to Senior Focus for comprehensive information on the policies and events that impact on seniors’ wellbeing.
There are a couple of things you should know about Eamon. The first is that his mates know him better as "Piggy", and the second is that he's mad about sports. From local legends in grassroots to national level names, the Sports Weekender features interviews, updates and 'the week that was'. Tune in for your weekly sports fix.